Serie A first round-Milan vs Bologna starting: Leo, plesic, and chicke

Live Bar, August 22 News the first round of Serie A, AC Milan away against Bologna. Before the game, the official announced the starting list of this game. AC Milan debut: 16-minion, 2-Calabria, 28-Jiafu, 23-Tomori, 19-Teo, 8-Chik, 33-clounic, 14-Reines, 11-Pulisic, 9-Giru, 10-Leo AC Milan replacement: 57-spotiello, 83-Milante, 7-Adley, 17-ocafu, 18-Lucca-Romero, 20-Kalulu, 21-chukuize, 24-croar, 29-Cologne, 32-Pobega, 42-Florenzi, 85-zeroli, 95-batsaki Bologna launch: 28-scoupsky, 3-Bosch, 31-beukma, 26-Lu KUVMIEA, 22-ricogianis, 6-Moro, 8-dominguos, 20-abischer, 19-Ferguson, 11-Ndoye, 9-zilkze Bologna substitutes: 23-barnonini, 4-Sosa, 7-ossolini, 14-bonifazzi, 16-lacossa, 17-azuzi, 29-de-Silvestri, 34-lavalia, 77-Van hoydonk, 80-Fabian, 82-Urbanski

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